Thursday, October 21, 2010

Peel WPS: Jinshan's insistence or abandoned

Peel WPS: Jinshan's insistence or abandoned

Today, news that the company will plan to Kingsoft WPS, PowerWord and other non-profit business spun off from listed companies, a separate set up a new company, now the program has been basically finalized, is expected to announce at the end. Although the official statement after the Jinshan denied the claim, but an official statement Jinshan, people also see on the horizon, Kingsoft is just a matter of adjustment. If the industry really as forecast in the next Kingsoft WPS and other software business will be stripped of it, I believe that there are three possibilities. One is to gradually dilute the software business, until the exit at the appropriate time, and then degenerated into a pure gaming company; the other is outside the software business as an online game to be another focus of business support, online games and software simultaneously; final is still to support the software business, its main business to stay current online games article retreat. So these three possible Jinshan will choose which one do? Kingsoft software business divestiture what the real purpose? For how can the impact of China's software industry?

If this is the first case, I think this is the most Jinshan no choice. Here may just prove Jinshan's own words, to do software do tired. Experienced 20 years of wind and rain, Jinshan's fate as its iconic calendar software WPS several ups and downs. This being had the brilliant short, but more impressive frustrated. When Jinshan to China's software industry painstaking struggle 20 years later, when I look back, actually profitable online games in China, when the Department, as the representative of China's software industry is unknown Jinshan feel? For China's software industry and software makers are relieved or sigh? Just want to divest the software business, Jinshan rumors recently released, and the State Grid Corporation Kingsoft Kingsoft WPS Office2007 on the procurement office software agreement, which should have made the software for Kingsoft and greatly encouraged, but if in such cases, the future鏈?粓璇佹槑閲戝北鍓ョ杞欢涓氬姟鏄负浜嗘贰鍖栵紝鐢氳嚦鏄斁寮冭蒋浠朵笟鍔★紝杩欒嚦灏戜粠閲戝北鐨勮搴︾湅锛屽浜庝腑鍥芥湭鏉ョ殑Office甯傚満骞朵笉涔愯锛岀敱姝や細缁欎腑鍥藉叾浠栫殑Office杞欢鍘傚晢鐨勮嚜淇″績浠ヤ笉灏忕殑鎵撳嚮锛屾洿鏄腑鍥借蒋浠朵骇涓氱殑鎮插搥銆傛墍浠ョ瑪鑰呬笉甯屾湜閲戝北鍓ョ杞欢涓氬姟鏄繖涓洰鐨勩?


銆??瀵逛簬绗笁绉嶏紝绗旇?璁や负鏄噾灞辨渶鏃犲锛屼篃鏄渶鍚庣殑閫夋嫨銆傝櫧鐒惰鐩墠缃戞父涓氬姟鑳藉鎸e埌閽憋紝浣嗗叾鍙楁斂绛栫殑椋庨櫓鎬т緷鐒跺緢澶с?鎯虫潵閲戝北涔熻兘澶熸剰璇嗗埌杩欑偣銆傛墍浠ヤ箻鐫?埄濂界殑鏃跺?锛屽鎸d簺閽变篃鏃犲彲鍘氶潪銆備絾涓?畾瑕佺粰鑷繁鐣欏悗鎵嬶紝鍗充竴鏃︾綉娓镐笉琛屼簡锛岄噾灞辫嚦灏戣繕鏈夎蒋浠朵笟鍔″彲閫?紝姣曠珶鐢熷瓨鏄涓?綅鐨勩?浣嗛殢涔嬭?鏉ョ殑闂鏄紝閲戝北缃戞父涓氬姟璧㈠埄鐨勬椂闂磋秺闀匡紝杞欢涓氬姟琚贰鍖栫殑鍙兘鎬ц秺澶э紝鎬曞彧鎬曠綉娓镐笟鍔′笉琛岀殑閭d竴澶╋紝鑷繁杞欢涓氬姟鐨勭珵浜夊姏涔熸墍鍓╂棤鍑犱簡锛岃繖鏃犵枒杩濊儗浜嗛噾灞卞墺绂昏蒋浠朵笟鍔$殑鍒濊》銆傛墍浠ュ湪杩欎釜鐩殑涓紝濡備綍鏉冭 缃戞父鍜岃蒋浠朵笟鍔$殑搴﹀浜庨噾灞卞嵆鏄?鎷╀篃鏄?楠屻?褰撶劧杩樻湁涓?鍙兘锛屾墍璋撴湁蹇冩牻鑺辫姳涓嶅紑锛屾棤蹇冩彃鏌虫煶鎴愯崼銆傞噾灞辩殑杩欑涓嶇粡鎰忥紙姣旇緝涓嬬殑鍘嬪姏锛夛紝鏈夊彲鑳借繕璁╄蒋浠朵笟鍔℃湁鎵?彂灞曞憿锛屽競鍦哄崈鍙樹竾鍖栵紝璋佸ソ璇村憿銆?br />
銆??涓婅堪浠呬粎鏄瑪鑰呭浜庨噾灞辨鍓ョ杞欢涓氬姟鐩殑鐨勪竴浜涚畝鍗曠寽鎯筹紝瀵逛簬杞欢鏄潥鎸佽繕鏄斁寮冿紝杩欐槸涓棶棰橈紝杩樻槸璁╂垜浠嫮鐩互寰呭惂銆?br />


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